Thursday, February 3, 2022

Paul's February 2022 Bonus Fly of the Month

 Soft Hackle Streamer

(A Fly by Jack Gartside)

Hook:  Mustad 34007 Size #1 or #2 depending on the length of your Marabou Fibers. 

Thread:  Fluorescent/Fire Orange Uni-Thread.

Body:  Two Fluorescent Chartreuse or White Marabou Plumes, stems stripped and prepared.

Lateral Line:  2-3 strands of Pearl Flash-a-bou or Lateral Scale tied in on each side of the fly.

Hackle/Head:  Teal Flank Feather.


The origin of this fly comes from New England’s well known tyer & fisherman Jack Gartside.  It has a ton of movement in the water and only takes 3 materials to tie it.  I tie it in White & Chartreuse.  I’ve had a lot of luck landing stripers on it.  


The key to tying this fly is to continually stroke back the Marabou and Teal fibers as you’re wrapping them around the hook shank.  To tie this fly begin by placing your hook in the vice.  As noted above, size the hook to the length of the Marabou fibers you’re using.  Start your thread behind the eye and take enough wraps to position your thread about 1/3 down the hook shank.  Cut off the tag end of your thread.  You are now going to prepare two (2) Chartreuse Marabou Plumes.  Begin by stripping some of the fibers from the lower stem of the feathers.  Once the stem is exposed examine the feathers.  With the convex side facing you, preen down the feather fibers rearward.  Leave a small portion of the tip of the feather exposed.  Clip the tip off.  

While holding the fibers rearward, tie 1 feather onto the hook shank.  Grab the stem with hackle pliers and hold the feather up to vertical.  Fold and stroke the fibers rearward.  Make touching wraps with the feather while at the same time continuing to stroke the feathers back (usually 6-7 wraps).  Tie it off and clip off the butt end.  Repeat the same process with your second Marabou Feather.  Next, tie in 2-3 strands of Pearl Flash-a-bou or Lateral Scale on each side of the fly.  It should be the same length as the very tip of your Marabou.  Next, prepare your Teal Flank Feather just as you did the Marabou.  Once it’s tied in take 2-3 wraps while stroking back the fibers.  Tie it off, clip off the butt end, and form a symmetrical head on the fly with your Orange thread.  Whip finish, clip it off, and finish with your head cement or resin of choice.


Postfly has a great instructional video on how to tie this fly below:

If you have any questions about this fly or would like to submit a Fly of The Month, e-mail me at .

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