Thursday, April 1, 2021

Paul's April 2021 Bonus Fly of the Month

 Evil Olive Nymph

Hook:  Dai-Riki #125  Size #18 Emerger Hook.

Bead:  Black 5/64” Tungsten Bead.

Tying thread:   Light Olive, UTC 70 Denier Ultra Thread.

Rib:  Ultra Wire Gold Small Size.

Tail:  Dyed Mallard flank fibers dyed wood duck.

Body:  Light Olive touching thread wraps.

Wing Case:  Butts of the Dyed Mallard flank fibers dyed wood duck.

Thorax:  Olive SLF Prism Dubbing.

Legs:  Pearl Krystal Flash.

Finish:  UV Resin on the Wing Case.

This is a great little nymph.  Many consider it a baetis imitation.  Others an attractor fly.  It’s kind of a cross between a Higa SOS nymph and the WD-40.   

Begin by mashing down your barb and placing your tungsten bead on the hook.  Start and affix your thread behind the eye of the hook.  Make touching wraps back to the hook point.  Now tie in your Wire Rib.  To secure the wire, take wraps deep into the bend.  Next, prepare a clump of Mallard fibers for your tail.  When you separate them from the feather, make sure the tips are aligned.  Tie them in at the thread location.  The tail should be approximately a ‘hook gap’ length.   Make thread wraps forward binding down the fibers until your thread is behind the bead.  When you do this keep the fibers on top of the hook shank.  Do not cut off the butt ends of the fibers.  With your thread create a tapered nymph body.  Bring your thread back so that it’s any eye length behind the bead.  Next, take open spiral wraps up the hook shank with your rib to create a segmented body.  When you reach your tying thread, use it to bind down the wire.  ‘Helicopter’ or cut the butt end of the rib. 

Bring your thread down the hook shank so that it hangs at the hook point.  Pull back and bind down the butts of your Mallard fibers.  You are going to use them for your wing case.  Next, dub a slim thorax with your Olive SLF Prism Dubbing.  Leave your thread behind the bead.  For legs you’re going to use two strands of Krystal Flash.  Tie them in at their mid-point behind the bead with figure eight wraps.  Take additional wraps in front of the and coax them back so that they face rearward.  Now, pull the Mallard butts forward to create the wing case.  You should have two legs on each side of the wing case.  Take two or three thread wraps behind the bead to bind down the fibers.  Pull the Krystal flash rearward and trim them even with the back of the hook.  Now, pick the Mallard fibers up and snip them off close to the bead.  Whip finish your fly and cut off your thread.  To enhance the wing case apply some UV Resin on top of it.  Cure it with your light, and your done. 

Tightlinevideo has a great instructional video below:

If you have any questions about this fly or would like to submit a Fly of the Month I can be reached at 203 305-3850 or at 

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